
"The first way, and perhaps the most obvious to people who are part of a religious tradition, is to plumb the depths of what you’ve been given — in the traditional sense. We have a vast literature: we have the experiences of our forefathers, of the sages, of other people of Jewish tradition. We can read their accounts; we can understand their ideas. We can plumb the experience of God through the traditions to which we are heir. Study then becomes one pathway to God.

"A second way would be to look at the resources we have within ourselves as persons. I think we can become conscious of God because of what we find within ourselves. For example, the kind of awe we feel at times, the sense of goodness we feel within ourselves, the outreach we have, the sense of dignity and worth that we feel within ourselves. In other words, there are things within us that are beautiful, special, and precious. These inner qualities somehow move us to some kind of higher form of behavior, higher consciousness, whatever you want to call it. So another pathway to God is to somehow get in touch with and express the finest qualities we find within ourselves.

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